看点:躁底师兄2 行刑师,辣手警探2,Veteran 2,I, the Executioner
看点:虚拟都市,虚拟城市,伪造的城市,Fabricated City
看点:Following,She's Dead
看点:嫌疑犯,谍影杀机,嫌疑者,The Suspect
看点:Land of Happiness,The Land of Happiness,幸福国度︰终极审判
看点:War and Revolt,Uprising
看点:The Book of Fish
看点:武道事务官,武术官,黑带警官,Officer Black Belt
看点:复仇的金子,Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
看点:3个特攻美少年,伟大的隐藏者,隐秘而伟大的,Secretly Greatly
看点:追击者2之黄海杀机,黄海追缉,The Murderer,The Yellow Sea,Hwanghae,The Killer
看点:武道事务官,武术官,黑带警官,Officer Black Belt
看点:企业杀手,超完美杀手,上班族,职员,A Company Man
看点:犯罪都市3:无归之路,犯罪都市:铁拳扫毒,The Roundup: No Way Out
看点:Crime City,The Outlaws,犯罪城市
看点:智命谈判,极智对决,谈判,The Negotiation
看点:道德感,Moral Sense,Love and Leashes